Tuesday, 15 May 2012

I think smoking should be banned in car because firsly smoking is bad for the health, specialis with children under 18 inside a car.
Secondly smoking is bad simple for the children, they are always copy from the parents.
Thirtly when driving and smoking will be danger.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

                                                          Time  Line

                              Name : Dr Martin Luther King Jr
                              What he is famous for :  He is the most importen leader of the American
                                                                   civil right movement.
                              1929      Born in Atlanta
                              1963      had dream spech is one of the greatest in human history.
                                           organized the famous million man march on Washington.
                              1964     got the Nobel Peace Prize.
                                           congress passed civil rights laws.
                              1965     voting right laws.
                              1968     assassinated  

Thursday, 5 April 2012


I don't undestand much about computers but I would like to learn. Using computer is very good to improve my English also the other people who want to learn English.
In the computer you can find English programs such as grammer, listening, writing and this help me to understand more English.
From the computer I learn two things :
Firstly, I learn how to use the new technology, its good because this time all people araund the world use computers for evreything.
Secondly, I can study English from home.